Students who choose to major in biology will examine the characteristics of life at all levels, from the workings of a single cell to the dynamics of an ecosystem. 澳门新濠娱乐开户’s Bachelor of Arts degree in 生物学 is designed to prepare students for careers in biology or for studies at the graduate level. This is the most flexible program in the department and is designed for students who want to focus on disciplines not addressed by other degree concentrations. Students with international career goals may choose this degree because of its foreign language requirement.
Because this degree does not have a specific concentration, you’ll gain a broad view of biology. It helps students take advantage of the diverse range of expertise held by faculty in the department and gain a diverse understanding of the field. All biology students may 应用 to the biology honors program which includes two research courses and an honors thesis.
就业: Students start careers in a variety of biology-related positions.
研究生院: 佐治亚大学
必修辅修课程. 受欢迎的未成年人包括:
- 化学
- 地理位置
- 人类学
- Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society - TriBeta was established to recognize academic achievement and promote research in the biological sciences. 会员资格须获邀请.
- 高地生物俱乐部 -一个促进知识发展的学生社团, 激励社区, as well as open doors of opportunity for members through events involving 生物学 while having fun.
- Annual Celebration of Student Research and Creative Endeavors - a day held at Appalachian where students showcase their 研究项目 and present their results in either a performance, 讲台演讲或海报.
- 部门研讨会 - hosted by the 生物系 for all biology students every Wednesday. Seminar topics range from research to animal biology and ecology to bioengineering.
Appalachian is committed to introducing students to different cultures and teaching them how to live and interact in a global society.
生物系 faculty members have led short-term study abroad 项目 to Zambia, 南非, 越南, 澳大利亚和新西兰.
的re are no admission requirements beyond admission to 澳门新濠娱乐开户.
- Students are taught by faculty with diverse research interests and expertise.
- 的 生物系 有23个专业 研究机构 including the 威廉和露丝·德威尔显微镜设备, the Scientific Computing and Visualization Laboratory, 我的.W. 木匠标本, 一个动物园, 一个温室, 校园自然保护区, the Robert Gilley Field Station and the Elicia Caroon Johnston Biological Reserve.
- Undergraduates have the opportunity to participate in graduate-level 研究项目 有系里的教师.
- 生物系提供 奖学金.
- 该部门提供 生物学理学硕士.
研究机构 包括:
- 威廉和露丝·德威尔显微镜设备
- 动物饲养场(动物设施)
- I.W. 木匠标本
- 生物系温室
- 动物科学家
- 水族馆 & 博物馆工作人员
- 植物学家
- 生态学家
- 环境卫生专家
- 环境的说客
- 环境科学家
- 土地用途规划师
- 海洋生物学家
- 自然资源经理
- 自然保育人士
- 研究助理
- 州立公园 & 娱乐工作者
- 动物学家
Dr. 艾娃Udvadia